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Essential Skills
An expert path to end-to-end software developmentTechnology is evolving faster than people's ability to adapt, and despite everything, learning is still the key to keep up to date. In this section you will be able to see some of my open projects applying real life concepts.
Knowledge in 90% of the SPA JavaScript frameworks
Lead software engineer with in-depth knowledge in the most popular single-page application frameworks and its eacosystems.
- Applications with quick page loading time
- Improved user experience using UI/UX concepts
- Progressive web application to bring more engagement
- State management and reactive programming
End-to-end JavaScript
Strong hands-on experience leading a wide variety of web and mobile applications using end-to-end solutions.
Expertise to extract the best from all the modern frameworks available in the market.
Ecosystem implementing pinia, reactivity, composition api, form vuelidate, plugins, axios and others.
Check out this projectVite
NPM package development, StoryBook for visual documentation, Vitest (unit tests), Github Actions (CI/CD workflow).
Check out this projectNuxt
Single-file component, File-based routing, auto-imports, built-in composables, server side rendering, hybrid rendering and others.
Check out this projectAngular
Concepts using Ngrx, RxJs, reactive programming, reactive forms, pipes, directives and others.
Check out this projectReact
Function components using hooks, HOC, redux saga, hooks form, css-modules, axios and others.
Check out this projectNext
Concepts using server side sendering, static site generation, serverless, SWR fetching and Vercel.
Check out this project
NPM package development
Leveraging widely adopted frameworks and libraries in the current market, the package incorporates Jest for unit tests, Storybook for comprehensive visual component documentation, and GitHub workflows for building and deployment of multiple package versions.
This hands-on project provides a straightforward and robust end-to-end process that encompasses all the essential elements needed to develop a well-tested and documented library.
- Github Actions
- Package / Lib
- Vitest
- Storybook
A complete, shareable, testable, and well-documented package
Applications UI from scratch
Work closely along with design and product teams suggesting best pratice and functional approaches to turn business requirements into technical designs. Ability to translate UX designs into functional web applications using modern CSS preprocessors or frameworks like Tailwind, Material Design and Bootstrap.
Responsive Design
A wide quanity of applications that are able to render well on a variety of devices and screen sizes.
Adaptive Design
Multiple design variants to better fit the screen/functionality providing a better user experience.
Cross Browser
Make sure that the application is compatible in multiple browsers regardless of version.
Figma UI/UX
I'm able to get my hands dirty and create design systems even not being a designer.
Simple example of Figma design system with typography, color pallets and components
Storybook documentation
Understanding how to configure Storybook, customize themes to align with your company's specification, and efficiently organize stories in close proximity to their corresponding components.
Additionally, it's essential to establish clear guidelines for showcasing your project's design elements, including color, typography, and other essential aspects.
It's crucial to set up Storybook in your projects to ensure thorough documentation and standardization of your frontend structure.
An illustrative example to demonstrate how to build an interactive documentation
Techniques and strategies used during development
Clean code
Code correctly formatted, features organised according to their proximity to the application, component complexity reduced, meaningful names, non-repeating code and write only functionalities that are used.
SOLID principals
Single responsibility principle following patterns to separate concerns in modules and keep component-based development to increase productive and make it easier to manage and maintain.
Design patterns
Dependency injection to use a single object instance globaly, observer to work with state management, factory method to abstract commum behaviours and adapter to build bridges between the application and third-parties libraries.
Rapid application development
RAD focuses on speed, flexibility and quality reducing the development time and increasing the quality of the final product. Features are implemented in small cycles facilitating work in horizontal teams and that requires frequent functionalities changes.
Automated data processing and database architecture
Multiple data sources connections, data integration, containers processing, relational and non relational database modeling. All data is manipulated, cleaned and transformed using Python and reorganised into databases.
- Microsoft SQL
- MongoDB
- Postgre SQL
- Firestore
- Firebase
- Python
AWS ECS/ECR services to handle data collection and processing
Serverless application
Focus on the adoption of a serverless architecture for custom applications in the cloud using AWS services and Terraform (infrastructure as code).
All the configuration to set up an event-driven production-ready web application that embraces serverless principles and integrate multiple cloud services.
- API Gateway
- Cognito User Pool
- DynamoDB
- Lambda Functions
- CloudWatch
- AppSync GraphQL
- CloudFront
- S3 Bucket
API Gateway to interact with applications and microservices, or AppSync as a serverless GraphQL to query/update multiple datasources.
OAuth2.0 Flow
Authentication/Authorizations handled by Cognito user pools integrated with API Gateway and AppSync (applications or server-to-server credentials).
Data modeling using scalable serverless cloud databases whether using data structure based on documents/collections or relational tables.
AWS serveless infra project to handle API Gateway and Authentication