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GID master side projects


Hands-on projects applying real-world concepts

The best way to learn a new skill is by putting it into practice. When you apply your knowledge to real projects and work with actual concepts, you'll become more efficient and confident in your new skillset.

Rodrigo Tosta Avatar
GID Master Lab

Hands-on applications

Coding standards, best practices and guidelines

The concept behind GID master lab is to develop demo applications exploring patterns, architectures and upcoming features used across the most modern frameworks currently available in the market. It exposes a clean code structure and deep understanding of how the end-to-end Javascript applications are designed.

Progressive web application

This app highlights the features of different frameworks, focusing on usability and key concepts.

It's optimized for mobile, so for the best experience, we recommend opening it in mobile mode on your browser or directly on your mobile device. (deprecated)

Gid MasterGid MasterGid Master

Building practical skills through hands-on projects

While some of these frameworks and architectures have evolved, these repositories still provide valuable references.

  • Angular


    Concepts using Ngrx, RxJs, reactive programming, reactive forms, pipes, directives and others.

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  • Vue


    Ecosystem implementing Vuex, reactivity, composition api, form vuelidate, plugins, axios and others.

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  • React


    Function components using hooks, HOC, redux saga, hooks form, css-modules, axios and others.

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  • Next Js


    Concepts using server side rendering, static site generation, serverless, SWR fetching and Vercel.

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  • NodeJs


    REST API, Express, TypeScript, MVC, MongoDB, Schemas, Middlewares, Async/Await, ES6.

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  • Firebase


    Firestore, Realtime Database, Firebase Authentication, Hosting, Cloud Functions, Messaging Cloud.

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A new and fully responsive web application

This project covers the entire product development process, taking you through each step needed to build a complete web application.

By combining responsive and adaptive design principles, the app offers a better user experience.

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    Front-end Frameworks

    Applications developed in Angular, Vue, Nuxt, React, NextJs and Svelte applying some new concepts and exploring features such state management, reactive programming, SSR, SSG and Vite to write packages.

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    AWS Serverless

    Adoption of a serverless architecture in the cloud using AWS services such as Cognito for authentication, AppSync for graphql, Gateway API for REST API, DynamoDB as non-sql database and Lambda functions.

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    Convert modules/features from a monolith web application into small individual applications that can be developed and executed as independent application, but also combined and deployed as a single application.

  • Vue


    Ecosystem implementing pinia, reactivity, composition api, form vuelidate, plugins, axios and others.

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  • Vite


    NPM package development, StoryBook for visual documentation, Vitest (unit tests), Github Actions (CI/CD workflow).

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  • Next Js


    Single-file component, file-based routing, auto-imports, built-in composables, server side rendering, hybrid rendering and others.

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  • Angular


    Concepts using Ngrx, RxJs, reactive programming, reactive forms, pipes, directives and others.

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  • React


    Function components using hooks, HOC, redux saga, hooks form, css-modules, axios and others.

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  • Next Js


    Concepts using server side sendering, static site generation, serverless, SWR fetching and Vercel.

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NPM Package

NPM package development

Using popular frameworks and libraries, this package includes Jest for unit testing, Storybook for detailed visual component documentation, and GitHub workflows to handle building and deploying multiple package versions.

This hands-on project provides a straightforward and robust end-to-end process that encapsulate all the essential elements needed to develop a well-tested and documented library.

NPM Package
Resources for developers

Experience writing technical articles

Quick readings to help you with everyday tricks during your development. Most of these articles are used as documentation for common questions.